
Press Releases

19.07.2013: Doing a career together in the Rhine-Main-Region - “Mainzer Wissenschaftsallianz” joins the network supporting dual career partnerships

Frankfurt / Attracting highly qualified couples to the Rhine-Main-Area is the goal of the network, which was founded by four universities and eleven external research institutes in Frankfurt and Darmstadt two years ago. At present eight members of the MAINZER WISSENSCHAFTS-ALLIANZ have joined the network, so that the network now encompasses 26 scientific organizations from the entire area of Rhine-Main. All members of the network have signed a strategic agreement to support the so-called “dual career couples”.  These are couples who both place importance on consistently following their professional career.

07.06.2013: The „MAINZER WISSENSCHAFTSALLIANZ” has become a registered association

On June 7, 2013 the up until now loose network “MAINZER WISSENSCHAFTSALLIANZ” or “Sciences Alliance of Mainz” was formed into a registered non-profit association.

16.12.2011: Improvised medical show and the outlook to 2030 at the closing event of "Mainz - City of Science 2011" year

Interactive drug development disk, heart-related games, information on diabetes and discussions on the future of the City of Science Mainz

20.11.2011: Uh oh - here come the parents! Look out students!

Some 3,000 parents used the opportunity to enjoy Mainz's unique lifestyle and become acquainted with research "made in Mainz"

31.10.2011: "Sozialvital": Making the health care system more transparent

New information website to help those in poverty or debt access health care system services

30.09.2011: The President of Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Professor Dr. Gerhard Muth, appointed new Coordinator of the MAINZ RESEARCH ALLIANCE

The President of Mainz University, Professor Dr. Georg Krausch, to step down as Coordinator on 1 October 2011 / Continuing expansion of knowledge exchange and networking of facilities since 2008

30.09.2011: MAINZ RESEARCH ALLIANCE to include BioNTech AG

Specialized in biopharmaceutical technologies designed to promote the development of cancer immunotherapies and cancer diagnostics

15.07.2011: SPEKTRALE 2011 - A journey of discovery with light and color

A summer exhibition at the Rheingoldhalle presents an interaction between art and science

01.07.2011: Mainz science campus: Byzantium between occident and orient

The new joint research venture between the Roman-Germanic Central Museum and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

24.06.2011: A journey into the heart of poetry

Students at Mainz University of Applied Sciences and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) open the gates of the LyricsLab

17.06.2011: Handling stolen antiquities may not be profitable!

Exhibition on the subject of "Criminal Archaeology" at the main railway station in Mainz

10.06.2011: Time window - The past has a future

Mainz city center becomes a walk-through exhibition and a window to science

04.06.2011: 10. Science market - the MAINZ RESEARCH ALLIANCE science and culture festival

10. Science market as part of Science Summer 2011 - Experimental stage shows with physics experts - Mainz1184 and Night of the Profs at the Mainz State Theater

07.05.2011: The world is colorful - family day at the Botanic Garden

Workshops and interactive events for adults and children on the topic of "Spring Colors in Nature"

01.04.2011: MAINZ RESEARCH ALLIANCE decides to incorporate the Helmholtz Institute Mainz, IBM Mainz and the Institute of Molecular Biology

Extension of the comprehensive network to promote science as an economic and regional factor

01.04.2011: A new take on science - young communication designers creatively demonstrate research topics

Students of the Gutenberg Intermedia course at Mainz University of Applied Sciences launch "Skop - a communication laboratory for science and design"

22.03.2011: Further strengthening of the MAINZ RESEARCH ALLIANCE by incorporating the Institute of European History into the federal and state subsidy program

Institute of European History becomes a member of the Leibniz Association - boosting Mainz as a city of science

18.03.2011: "Sprint - Language and Integration", as part of "Mainz - City of Science 2011", is now in its second year

Incorporating individual language acquisition as a normal component of school life

09.03.2011: Transfercafé - building bridges between science and economics

Making use of a broad and varied spectrum of potential cooperative projects between science and economics

18.02.2011: Kids University 2011 at Mainz University

"Experience democracy" with Federal President Christian Wulff / "First Musical Kids University" at the School of Music

16.01.2011: Mainz - City of Science 2011 - a city invests in knowledge

Building site party on JGU campus and in the City of Mainz

03.12.2010: The Institute of European History (IEG) links historians and people interested in history by providing a new internet portal

500 years of modern European history across countries, disciplines and methodical boundaries

12.09.2010: Science Market 2010 - a wide variety of research activities in Mainz

From a levitating Smart car to memory tests and Mesopotamian clothes

24.08.2010: Network meeting "City of Science 2011"

250 project team members plan the implementation of approx. 330 project ideas in six work groups

01.07.2010: MAINZ RESEARCH ALLIANCE accepts Natural History Museum Mainz as a member

A strong and important partner in active research and comprehensive knowledge transfer

10.06.2010: "City of Science" 2011 poster campaign is energy squared for Mainz

Students started the first poster campaign for the title year, prompting Mayor Beutel to call it "A clever idea."

25.03.2010: Mainz - "CITY OF SCIENCE 2011"

Stimulus for a profound interaction between the city and the sciences

05.03.2010: Mainz submits application for the title of "City of Science"

More than 250 residents have been active in work and project groups - decision announced on 25 March

05.02.2010: Mainz Archaeological Center

Three winners in the architects' competition

11.12.2009: "Meeting Place in History" - time travel completed

The city of Mainz, the state government and the universities take stock

15.10.2009: "City of Science 2011"

Mainz competes for the title

12.-13.09.2009: Science Market 2009

Diverse range of research activities in Mainz

07.09.2009: Knowledge creates the future - City Vision 2030

Visions of Rhineland-Palatinate as a living location for science

12.02.2009: Application for the title of "City of Science"

Mayor Beutel - "Strengthen the tight connection between the city and the Research Alliance"

03.09.2008: A science alliance

The MAINZ RESEARCH ALLIANCE introduces itself

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